Dog Sports
Discover your dog’s secret talents
Dog sports include several categories of training & competition described below. Class availability is subject to change so consult our class schedule to see current offerings and please contact us with any questions you may have.
Agility Training
The athletic challenge keeps a dog fit in body and mind, helping to prevent obesity, increase endurance, and strengthen bones and joints. Plus, an agility course exercises a dog's mind, giving her opportunities to learn and solve problems. Agility training will also help you keep in shape!
The Foundation course is designed to introduce handling of the primary agility obstacles:
Contact obstacles - A-frame, Dog Walk and Seesaw (low)
Open Tunnels-Chute-Bar Jump-Tire Jump
Weave Poles (offset) and Table
Training Skills of attention, come, stay and targeting
PRICE: $150
LENGTH: 1 hour class per week (6 weeks total)
The Sequencing course is designed for competition preparation:
Straight Line Weave Poles
Wing, Double and Triple Jumps
Sequencing skills for moving between obstacles Controlling from a distance
Jumping skills such as serpentine and pinwheels
Front and Rear Crosses
How to walk a course
Putting it together for a full course run
PRICE: $140
LENGTH: 1 hour class per week (6 weeks total)
The Advanced course is designed for those already trialing or getting ready to start. Participants must know all obstacles and weaves at a proficient level, and must have recall. Class will consist of coursework practiced in sections and then as a whole.
PRICE: $140
LENGTH: 1 hour class per week (6 weeks total)
PRICE: $120
LENGTH: 1 hour class per week (6 weeks total)
The ultimate dog enrichment activity! Nosework is a dog sport created to mimic professional detection dog tasks. The dogs must find a hidden target odor, often ignoring distractors, and alert. It allows them to use and develop their natural hunting skills.
Nosework is a growing sport for dog enthusiasts with multiple organizations offering the chance to compete for titles. The goal of this eight week class is to lay the foundations of all canine scent detection by developing the dog’s indication to odor. Over the course of this class, the dogs will learn the target odors used in competition, work on developing and refining an indication to the odor, and we will end the course by working on the skills necessary for a novice-level container search. No prior experience with scent work is necessary.
Participants will be provided with all the practice tools they need to successfully practice at home including an odor cocktail and a practice box to use at home. Home practice will be encouraged to help dogs master the techniques learned in class.
PRICE: $200
LENGTH: 1 hour class per week (8 weeks total)
The Advanced Nosework Class is the next step for dogs who have finished the Introduction to Nosework Class and is open to all dogs with prior experience in nosework. This class will expose dogs to all elements present in competition (interiors, exteriors, containers, buried hides, and vehicles). Students will work on refining their handling techniques, learn about the rules of competition, and will gain a better understanding of their dog’s response to odor while searching. This fast paced class will help handlers and dogs achieve the confidence and technical skills necessary to compete in scent work.
PRICE: $200
LENGTH: 1 hour class per week (8 weeks total)
Rally O!
Rally Obedience offers advanced training, fun, and stimulation for all dogs and provides a fantastic bridge for those interested in pursuing therapy dog work, agility, formal obedience, or other canine sports. In Rally-O, the handler follows a predetermined course of exercises Iike Agility. There can be up to 18 stations at which the dog and handler perform an exercise.
In this 6-week course, you will learn the general AKC Rally rules, teamwork, and heel work at a novice level. For this class, your dog needs to know skills like sit stay, down stay, leash walking, and recall before attending class.
Enrollment is limited to 6 spots per sessions.
PRICE: $175 LENGTH: weekly 1.5 hour long sessions (6 weeks)
6 week course that teaches the second level of learning AKC Rally Obedience. Students will learn all of the signs and do coursework for the Intermediate and Advanced levels.
Completion of Novice Rally-O is required to enroll.
PRICE: $175 LENGTH: weekly 1.5 hour session (6 weeks)
Single session class designed for people who are already familiar with Rally-O signs and want to get in some practice. Come get some pointers on how to improve your skills while having fun practicing with your dog! There will be sign variations and drills if time allows.
PRICE: $15 LENGTH: 1.5 hour session
Lure Coursing
How do you satisfy your dog’s high-energy, inner instincts to chase prey? Lure Coursing is an exciting way to do what comes naturally but in a safe, controlled environment. In this event, dogs chase a mechanized, white plastic lure zig-zagging across a big, open field. This is an activity that dogs love while at the same time, improving their focus, agility, and sportsmanship.
Each dog gets 3 runs and is limited to 3 laps per run. Dogs will be tethered to the event field fence between runs and should be able to see other dogs going to encourage participation. Be prepared for a rowdy, fun time!
FOOD AND WATER: Dogs should not have food within 3 hours of the session. No water will be given during the event but will be provided after the dog has completed their 3 runs.
BEHAVIOR: This class is best suited for social and confident dogs. If your dog is people or dog reactive, this class is not recommended. If your dog is shy, it sometimes will take all 3 runs to get them going.
PRICE: $20 LENGTH: 1 hour session
Teach your dog some awesome tricks and earn AKC Tricks titles! All dogs are welcome to take the class and earn a title! The Trick Dog title program is sponsored by the American Kennel Club and both mixed breeds and pure breed dogs can participate.
Novice level tricks include crawl, get on a platform, go through a tunnel, high five, jump through a hoop, paws up, shake hands, sit in a box, spin and touch.
While it's not required, you may also earn an AKC Novice Trick Dog (NTD) title, too! All dogs are welcome to earn a title! The Trick Dog title program is sponsored by the American Kennel Club and both mixed breeds and pure breed dogs can participate.
To earn the NTD title, your dog will perform 10 tricks from the Novice Trick Dog Tricks List. We will do evaluations during the last class.
Continue your Tricks training and earn an AKC Intermediate Trick Dog (TKI) title. Your dog must have the Novice title first.